Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Blessed Woman | Book Review

Every woman that, walks with God, needs a good mentor.  It is even said in Titus 2 that the older women should teach the younger women.  It’s not always easy to find a woman that has the time since we all lead busy lives.  There is hope though, because The Blessed Woman by Debbie Morris shows us how we can find the mentors we need through the women of the Bible.

During your time reading this book you will learn many valuable lessons from various women that didn’t have mentors and had to learn these lessons the hard way. 

Some of the women that will mentor you are:

Rebekah who will teach you to wait on God with a faithful attitude.

Esther  teaches us that biblical submission brings “divine promotion.”

Jael shows us how, even though we are afaid, we can find our courage through God.

These are just a FEW of the amazing stories from the Bible that Morris uses to show us that, we need look no further than God’s own words, to find the mentors that we truly need. 

Morris also includes, at the back of the book, an EXTENSIVE study guide that you can work through on your own or us this will a small group study.  Each chapter has sections for recap, engage, and talk.  The talk section is where all the introspective questions lie. 

Does having a physical mentor to help guide you on your walk help…yes.  But, when you are unable to have one, there are plenty of women waiting for you to join them.  They are waiting for you right in the Bible.

I love this book for the simple fact that Debbie Morris has given me a way to have the mentor that I have wanted for a very long time.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.  All opinions are my own.*

Mindful Living | Book Review

I have always wanted to go to Miraval Resort & Spa but, never had the chance…yet.  I can, however, have a taste of the enlightening luxury they have to offer in their second book Mindful Living.

Mindful Living is a glorious, hardcover, coffee table book that offers you the experience you would have at the resort but, in the comfort of your own home.  Each chapter in the book corresponds to a month of the year and a central theme for the chapter.  The themes are the “key tenets of Miraval’s philosophy.” The book starts with January and a theme of beginnings for the chapter with each consecutive chapter following the calendar. 

Inside the chapters you will find ways to improve all aspects of your life.  There are sections on exercise, meditation, and even food and nutrition.  You will get strategies, to transform your life, that can be implemented into your life very easily. 

Also included are some recipes from there menu that you can make at home.  They include mouthwatering items such as Herb-Roasted Rack of Lamb, Vegetarian Black Bean Soup, Fruit Energizer Smoothie, and Baked Apple Tortelli, just to name a few.

I know that this book will never make up for the actually experience that can be had at the resort but, it definitely feels like it comes close.  All the wisdom…none of the travel.

If you would like to get your own copy please go here

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Hay House for the purpose of this review.  All opinions are my own. *

The Quiet Place | Book Review

I welcome any book by Nancy Leigh DeMoss because I know that it will be a great one.  The newest book from her is The Quiet Place which is a daily devotional for every day of the year. 

Society has lead us to believe that we need to live more hectic lives and it’s hard for us to find the time to slow down.  We are mothers, wives, business women but, when do we find the time to be women of God?  When do we sit down, still our hearts, and spend some quiet time with our heavenly Father? 

This book is such a wonderful book because she has written devotionals that will help you to quiet your heart so that you can find the peace that God is wanting us to have so that we may lead a more Godly life.  The devotions will also help you bring yourself closer to God if you MAKE the time to find some quiet in your life.

DeMoss includes a scripture index in the back of the book so that you may look for a certain book of the Bible and it will direct you to the day that has included a scripture from that book, for you to reflect on. 

I think one of my favorite features of this book is it’s cover.  The cover is blue and has a leather feel to it.  Since its not real leather it keeps this book affordable for every woman while making it feel like luxurious splurge. 

So...what's stopping you from finding your quiet place?

* I received a complimentary copy of this book from the Moody Publishers for the purpose of this review.  All opinions are my own.*

Monday, June 17, 2013

Choosing Gratitude | Book Review

Choosing Gratitude:Your Journey to Joy by Nancy Leigh Demoss is a book that addresses a problem that most of us face…being grateful.

Our current society is filled with problems and they make life really hard but, as Christians, we put our faith in God.  The only problem is that, when we don’t get the answer we want from God, we get discouraged in our faith and life.  What do you do then?  Demoss tells us that we must be grateful and worship even in the hardest of times.  Being grateful for the rough patches in life is just as important as being grateful for the gifts we receive from Him.  Be grateful for EVERYTHING!

Even if we WANT to be filled with joy there are certain characteristic that will keep us from fulfilling our end of the bargin.  Things like entitlement, comparison, and unrealistic expectations (among others) keep us in an ungrateful state of mind which robs us of the unending joy we could have.  She was basically showing us a snapshot of today’s society and how all this leads us away from God’s greater plan.  He wants us to be happy but, we first, must be grateful.

There is so much this book can teach up about living a joyful life that I couldn’t even try to give it justice in just one post.  I think that I am going to work my way through the included devotional (30 days of devotions) and do a series on my blog.

This book is a great way to start your life down the right track towards a joyful and happy life.  One that is worthy of God

*I received a complimentary copy of this book for the purpose of my review from Moody Press.*

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Downside Up | Book Review

Rejection…That word strikes fear in even the hardest of hearts but, what would you say if I told you there could be a positive side to rejection?  I didn’t believe it either until reading Downside Up by Tracey Mitchell.

In this book Mitchell shows us that there is actually a positive effect of getting rejected.  The sad part is that it’s hard for us to see because we get stuck in a place where our heart is “wounded” which can skew our thought process and help us create self-fulfilling, negative, prophecies.   It’s a vicious circle if you don’t know how to break it.

When we are hurting from being rejected we can have a tendency to allow our self to look for approval from others which we really don’t need.  We just want it because we are feeling the pain from being rejected.  Now, there was something that Mitchell was trying to say that really hit home for me.  There was a REASON for the rejection that you receive.  It’s because that person or thing wasn’t right for your life at this point in time. 

There are strategies included in this book that that will help you break the circle and create the life you want to live, all the while, seeing and accepting the gifts that rejection can give you.  I know that I will continue to employ the entire plan because, during the process of reading this book, I saw things about myself that Mitchell was addressing, that I didn’t like.  I feel this book was definitely a blessing to me in my current season of life. 
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.*

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Praying God's Word For Your Life | Book Review

Kathi Lipp has a wonderful new book out called Praying God’s Word for your Life.  This book is all about your prayer life and how to make it more prevalent and purposeful in your life. 

I know that I struggle with my prayer life.  Lipp’s new book has so many ways for me to bring my prayer life in a new direction.  It’s not always easy to pray but, some of the easiest prayers have been for others.  In some of the chapters she helps you find ways that can make it even easier to pray for your husband, kids, and others in your life.  She even touches on subjects such as your finances, health and emotions. 

What I loved about this book was the practical tips that she includes at the end of the chapters.  They are wonderful because they are so easy to implement in my life.  But, of course the most amazing part is all the prayers that are included.  They have been writing from scripture and can be adapted to your life.  They are not one size fits all prayers. 

There is one drawback to the book and that would be the included stories from other.  The stories themselves give extra meaning to what she is trying to get across to the reader but, at times I was thinking it was Lipp speaking when, in fact, it was someone else telling their story.  I was a little confused at time as to who’s voice was telling the story. 

This will be a staple in my quiet time with God.  I will never stop using this book. 

Available June 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.

*I received a coplimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.*