Thursday, August 23, 2012

Serpent of Moses Review | Missouri Made Momma

How would you like to travel the Middle East and look for a sacred staff from the Bible?  Ok, so maybe that doesn’t sounds like fun to most of you but, to me, it sounds like a great time.  I got to take that trip, in the comfort of my home, through the book Serpent of Moses by Don Hoesel. 
 In Hoesel’s most recent book, you will take a trip through the Middle East, Milan, and London in search of the Nehushtan.  Moses’ staff with the serpent on the top.  Such a beautiful, historical artifact.  Who other than Jack Hawthorne, world renown archeologist, to take you on that journey.  Don’t worry, it won’t be a boring trip, there will be some bumps in the road.  
 Along the road you will meet a long time girlfriend of Jack’s named Esperanza, and Jim Ducket, former CIA agent, colleague, and friend of Jack’s.  Also, don’t forget about the Israeli army, villagers in Tunisia and others sent to recover the staff and kill whoever gets in their way.
 I have to admit that even though this book was a great adventure it took me a few tries to get started with it.  The first chapter is a little slow, even with everything going on in it, but, if you can sit down and read a few chapters without stopping you will be hooked.  I had no problem visualizing everything that was happening and places that I traveled to because of Hoesel’s writing.  It was wonderful.  Who know’s it might have just been me having problems getting into it but, I am really glad that I pushed through and read it.  I loved the adventure it took me on.

I received this book free from Bethany House.  I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Monday, August 13, 2012

Amen | Missouri Made Momma

I went to church yesterday morning.  That not might seem like a very big deal but, it's been a few years since I have gone.  Not because I hate going, just because I haven't been putting God & Jesus first and finding the time to go.  My life is pretty busy and I can get a little sidetracked if I let myself.

I would have never thought about a service like this one. The pastor started talking about the fact that he was finishing up a series on the Lord's Prayer.  Ok, I thought...I can always use some understanding on why we say what we say when we pray the Lord's Prayer.  Well, since this was the last service in the series it was all about the finish.  The "Amen."

I was taken aback for a second.  Why do we need a service strictly about "Amen?"  Then, when he started talking about it, first during the children's part of service, something clicked.  He asked the children "what does Amen mean?"  Ok, having said this word all my life, I had to stop and think.  What DOES Amen mean?  One of the little kids answered, "it means Thank you."  He replied with " that's part of it."

So at this point I was seriously thinking about the meaning of Amen.  What did it mean?  How many of us really, truly, know what Amen means.  Isn't it just the way to finish up when we are talking to God?  Isn't it just a standard finish that we have been taught to say?

When he said what it meant it was like a light bulb went off.  Ok, so right about now you are probably thinking...."How could she NOT know what Amen means?"  Well, I have never thought about the meaning until he started talking about it and until I heard it.  Our pastor said that Amen means "It shall be done."  Everything made sense at that point.  The importance of Amen finally clicked.

When we are saying Amen we are saying that we put our faith in God to answer our prayers.  To me, this is probably the most important part of a prayer.  We can pray all we want but, do we really have faith that God will answer them?

It was a very simple meaning but, VERY important at the same time.  

So, do you say Amen and just say it to be saying it or do you truly believe in the meaning and that God will answer your prayers?  I know that I have been thinking about that since yesterday and I have to say that at first I was just saying it to be saying it.  It's part of a prayer, right?  Now, I say it because I TRULY have faith that when I pray, God will hear me and answer my prayer.  Maybe not in the time frame I want but, IT SHALL BE DONE!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Back to School | Missouri Made Momma

I can't believe it's August already.  It's that time of year again.  The time when the isles at all the stores are filled with new crayons, markers, pencils and paper.  It's Back to School time. I might be one of the only parents that actually likes this time of year.  I know that it can be a little hectic trying to find all the supplies that are on your child's list, finding the right backpack and lunch box, and making sure your child hasn't outgrown all their clothes from last year and if they have, getting new ones.  I love this time of year because everything is new.  I like new things....What can I say?

There's a little trick I have learned over the years though.....Start early.  Yes, I'm serious.  Start early.  Where I live they put out the supply list long before you register for school so if possible start getting everything early.  Trust me, it's worth it.  I remember a year when I couldn't find pink erasers AT ALL.  You would think that wouldn't be an item that gets sold out but, needless to say, I couldn't find ANY.  That's when I realized that I needed to start earlier then next year.  So I did.

Well, here I am.  Still a few weeks before school starts and I have all the supplies my kids need.  I can stay calm these next couple of weeks and not stress about trying to find anything last minute.  It's been worth it.  So worth it!!!!