There are many plans to read through the Bible in a year. Tons and tons of them. But, there is a new book from Diane Stortz that plans out a yearly reading for WOMEN. In A Woman’s Guide to Reading the Bible in a Year she lays out a “life-changing journey into the heart of God.”
The plan itself is like any others you have seen before. Stortz lists all the daily readings for the week. You might be reading a week full of Isaiah and on another week you might have some of Jeremiah, Lamentations and Psalms. What’s different about her plan is she also give some “Checkpoints” for the week. The checkpoints are some things that might be of interest or things that she wants to highlight for that week that we can take away as little tidbits of knowledge.
Before you see the reading plan for the week, in each chapter (1 chapter per week) you will get a small summary of what it is that you are going to be reading. These are quick, short and to the point. They are great. There is no long drawn out explanation After the readings there is a section called “Share the Journey.” This section is included to help you get more out of your readings. You can list any observations that you got and any questions the passages might have brought to your attention.
Stortz also includes a section on how to use this book with a small group. But, what I love about it the most is that it is free of any doctrinal views. It’s simply what the Bible says and a plan for incorporating it into your life.
We all know that as mothers, wives, and business women, the thought of trying to read through the Bible in a year can seem like a daunting task but, with Stortz plan, it will be a breeze. We wear many hats in today’s society. Why not have a little daily help from God and possibly change your life in the process???
P.S. This plan works for any denomination and any Bible translation. So, you have no excuses to pass up reading through the Bible.
*I was given a copy of this book from Bethany House for the purpose of this review.*
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