Dreams are just that for most people. Dreams. But, did you know that there are God-Sized dreams? Yes, they are different than just a “normal” dream. Some people might dream to be a high powered CEO while others are dreaming about being stay-at-home moms. According to Holley Gerth, in her new book You're Made for a God-Sized Dream: Opening the Door to All God Has for You, its not what you are dreaming for. God-Sized dreams area about “pursuing life with passion and purpose and going with God wherever he leads.”
We all have dreams. I know this book hit home for me right now because I have a dream and it feels like its going no where. Gerth explains in her book that if your dream is a God-Sized one that there are different phases of that dream. She says that all we can see when we have a dream is that dream and the “promised land” but, fail to see the desert in between. There will be a hard time between the conception of your dream and the place where you dream has come into reality. But, we must stick it out. During that desert time most give up and never realize the dream that God has given them. Gerth shares something with us that we all need to remember…Nothing is impossible as long as we obey God.
She also talks about one of the biggest factors that have lead to failure of people’s dreams. It’s fear. She addresses fear because she says it will only grow and get worse if we ignore it and continue to believe the lies. Isn’t that what fear really is? LIES! They are thoughts that we allow ourselves to have that haven’t come to fruition. Her explanation of fear is the greatest one I have ever heard, “…fear is a Chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman.” That’s probably the best line I have ever heard. Fear really is that. It’s just a small thought that sounds like enormous. It’s not as bad as we allow it to be.
Other things that she addresses to help you realize your God-Sized dream are:
• A dreamers heart: how all dreamers have certain characteristics that even they may not see but, do exist.
• A battle plan for getting through the desert and making it to the promise land. There is no idling here. You must work for what you want. You can’t just sit around and expect it to come to you.
• How to stop sabotaging yourself.
• Finally, the worth of your dream. Yes, it’s worth the work and time and Gerth will explain why.
Though out the book Gerth includes questions, self-evaluations and other things that will help walk you through making your dream a reality. She even has all of them on her website free for you to print if you want to have the pages for a notebook.
I am so glad this book made its way to me. I am in the desert part of my dream right now and was getting so frustrated but then, thanks to Gerth, she reminded me of something. I am not the first person that God has sent through the desert. As long as I obey and stay faithful, my reward will be coming. I will make it to the promised land.
Available March 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
*I was given a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher for the purpose of this review.*
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