Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Review: Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest | Missouri Made Momma

As humans we are constantly on the search for wisdom.  That search can come in many forms but, one that has been used for many, many years is the vision quests.  Vision quests have been used by many people whether they were Native Americans, historical prophets, or a person seeking the meaning for their life.  They cross all religious boundaries, ages and races.

In their new book Quest: A Guide for Creating Your Own Vision Quest Denise Linn and Meadow Linn teach the reader how to design their own vision quest so that they may find the wisdom they are seeking.  They offer a step by step manual from start to finish on how to design a vision quest that is suited to your own personal preferences.  A quest that is perfect for you.

This is a wonderful book because it has everything you need to plan.  Each chapter is reserved to a certain part of planning process starting with what you need to do to prepare for your quest.  They have a list of everything you will need during your quest and a 28 day preparation guide.  You are taught how to build your sacred circle and how to find just the right spot and stones to make the circle.

I love the exercises and "Life Evaluation" questions that are included in the what to do during your quest chapter. It's a life transforming curriculum.  You can work through issues such as:  defining yourself, relationships with other people around you, relationships with your parents, and many more.

I know that my favorite part of this book, which is hard to pick since I LOVED the whole book, would be the last chapter which focuses on how to integrate the wisdom found during your quest into your everyday life.  Since that's what we are truly wanting right?  What good would a vision quest be if we are not able to make the information received work for us in our daily lives?

This book is a must read for everyone that is wanting to find themselves and make a better life.  Your teenagers can even read this since there is a chapter in the book that is focused on them to help them find who they are.  This would make a great high school graduation gift to help a teenager transform into an adult.

I will be re-reading the book over and over and planning my vision quest for the future.  After reading this book I can't wait to do a vision quest to find myself.  

I was not financially compensated for this post.  I received the book from  Hay House for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience. 

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