Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Roads-Chris Mann's Debut album | Missouri Made Momma

Music is a big part of my life.  I grew up singing in choir at school and I just love music.  I especially love the sounds of a new artist that has amazing talent such as Chris Mann.  His name and face might be familiar to most of you and it should.  He was one of the finalist on NBC’s “The Voice.”

He has previously release a Christmas album but, his first full-length debut album “Roads” gets released today.   I had the wonderful privilege of being able to hear the album in it’s entirety and loved it all.  Which is unusual for me since I have no problem finding one or two songs on any album that I like but, to love the whole album…rare.

His voice is just  AMAZING.  He has a blend of pop and modern-day crooner, which mix perfectly into a gorgeous sound that you never want to stop listening to.  Plus, he sings one of my all time favorite songs…Ave Maria!

While listening to his album his emotions and passion for music comes through with every word that he sings.

I can’t recommend this album enough.  Yes, entire album.  I highly suggest that everyone get it and take the time to sit and listen to the lyrics in Roads, at least... the whole album is a must listen to.  Roads lyrics will touch your soul and the video will pull at your heart strings.  It just might change your outlook on the world today.

Go buy Roads by Chris Mann

Disclosure:  This review was an opportunity from One2One Network. I was provided with a copy of the album and I am eligible for a prize drawing. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. where can you buy this album. Walmart does not have it and no one knows of Chris Mann.

  2. Hi. If you look in my post, at the end, it says Amazon and iTunes. You can click on either of those to purchase the album.
